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Academics / 2.5 Year Plan

2.5 Year Plan





o A&S Natural Science
o A&S Social Science
A&S Lab
o A&S Humanities
Any Area 300+
Track Concentration Area 300+

Total Credits: 16

  • Complete UK Core requirements
  • Start exploring Track Concentration areas




¤Foreign language 101
o A&S Natural Science
o A&S Social Science
Any Area 300+
Track Concentration Area 300+

Total Credits: 15


¤Foreign language 102
o A&S Humanities
Any area 300+
Track Concentration Area 300+


Total Credits: 15

  • Complete first year of foreign language sequence.
  • Decide on Track Concentration area
  • Start thinking about career options.
  • Find a volunteer opportunity or internship.
  • Take GREs if applying to graduate school immediately upon graduation.
  • Complete 90 credit hours.




¤Foreign language 201
Any area 300+
Track Concentration Area 300+
Track Concentration Area 300+
Track Concentration Area 400+

Total Credits: 15


¤Foreign language 202
Track Concentration Area 300+
Track Concentration Area 400+
WRD 430 (GCCR)

Total Credits: 15

  • Complete GCCR.
  • Have a resume, practice job interview skills, and attend Career Fair.
  • Apply to graduate school or jobs.
  • Complete 120 hours and all requirements for a degree.

# This plan assumes that students have completed UK Core requirements by the end of Fall of the second year. Additional courses may be needed if areas of UK Core have not been completed.

¤ Students who have taken at least 2 years of a language in high school can complete the A&S Foreign Language Requirement with 3 college semesters of a different language. Also note that if you take a foreign language placement exam, you may be exempt from 1 or more of the beginning semesters of that language. Any language sequence may be used to satisfy the foreign language requirements.

* 6 hours of 'free' electives - that do not count toward any other requirement - must be taken. Additional electives may be required to earn the required minimum of 120 hours.

o Track Electives and Any Area Electives may be used count toward the appropriate subfield to which they belong: A&S Humanities, A&S Social Science, or A&S Natural Science credit.  Therefore the extra hours of electives may need to be taken to fulfill requirements such as 6 credit hours of electives, 120 credit hours, and/or 39 hours of 300-level coursework.

∞     Courses used to count for UK Core cannot be used to count toward the BLS major.

#       Students must complete 90 hours of coursework in the College of Arts and Sciences.


UK Core Abbreviations

HUM =Intellectual Inquiry in the Humanities
NPM=Intellectual Inquiry in the Natural/Physical/Mathematical Science
SSC=Intellectual Inquiry in Social Sciences
ACR=Intellectual Inquiry in Arts & Creativity

CC1= Composition and Communication I
CC2= Composition and Communication II
QFO= Quantitative Foundations
SIR= Statistical Inferential Reasoning
CCC= Community, Culture and Citizenship in U.S.
GDY= Global Dynamics
GCCR = Graduation Composition and Communication

College of Arts & Sciences Abbreviations

SS: Social Sciences
NS: Natural Sciences
Lab: College Laboratory or Field Experience Requirement