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RD Crosby

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Smith, K. ., Mason, T. ., Schaefer, L. ., Anderson, L. ., Hazzard, V. ., Crosby, R. ., … Peterson, C. . (2020). Micro-level de-coupling of negative affect and binge eating in relationship to macro-level outcomes in binge eating disorder treatment. Psychological Medicine, 1-9. (Original work published 2020)
Hazzard, V. ., Schaefer, L. ., Mankowski, A. ., Carson, T. ., Lipson, S. ., Fendrick, C. ., … Sonneville, K. . (2020). Development and Validation of the Eating Disorders Screen for Athletes (EDSA): A Brief Screening Tool for Male and Female Athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 50.
Lesser, L. ., Smith, K. ., Strauman, T. ., Crosby, R. ., Engel, S. ., Crow, S. ., … Wonderlich, S. . (2020). Relationships between nonappearance self-discrepancy, weight discrepancy, and binge eating disorder symptoms. Eating and Weight Disorders : EWD. (Original work published 2020)
Smith, K. ., Mason, T. ., Schaefer, L. ., Anderson, L. ., Critchley, K. ., Crosby, R. ., … Peterson, C. . (2020). Dynamic Stress Responses and Real-Time Symptoms in Binge-Eating Disorder. Annals of Behavioral Medicine : A Publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. (Original work published 2020)
Hazzard, V. ., Peterson, C. ., Crosby, R. ., Schaefer, L. ., Smith, K. ., Engel, S. ., … Wonderlich, S. . (2020). Predictors of treatment response durability in psychotherapy for binge-eating disorder: Examining the roles of self-discrepancy, self-directed style, and emotion dysregulation. The International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53(12), 1918-1927.
Duffy, M. ., Lieberman, A. ., Wonderlich, S. ., Crosby, R. ., Mitchell, J. ., Crow, S. ., … Joiner, T. . (2020). Identity problems and suicidal ideation severity among women with bulimic-spectrum pathology. Personality Disorders. (Original work published 2020)
Le Grange, D. ., Eckhardt, S. ., Grave, D. ., Crosby, R. ., Peterson, C. ., Keery, H. ., … Martell, C. . (2020). Enhanced cognitive-behavior therapy and family-based treatment for adolescents with an eating disorder: a non-randomized effectiveness trial. Psychological Medicine, 1-11. (Original work published 2020)